High chrome slurry pump impeller made for client in India
What is a centrifugal slurry pump impeller
An impeller is a rotating component of a centrifugal pump, usually made of iron, steel, bronze, brass, aluminium or plastic, which transfers energy from the motor that drives the pump to the fluid being pumped by accelerating the fluid outwards from the center of rotation.
This impeller for client made of high chrome material closed type, suitable for 12/10EE-M pump, will be used for FGD system.
The material of this impeller is A49. A49 is suitable for low PH corrosion duties, where erosive wear is also a problem. The alloy is particularly suitable for Flue Gas Desulphu-rization(FGD) and other corrosive applications, where the pH is less than 4. The alloy can also be used in other mildly acidic environments. A49 has an erosion resistance similar to that of Ni-Hard 1.
Partial list of Impellers available for the contemporary and legacy OEM styles
Slurry pump impellers style
1.5 /1 2 /1.5 3 /2 4 /3
6 /4 8 / 6 10 / 8 12 / 10
14 / 12 16 / 14 18 / 16 20 / 18

High Chrome Slurry pump impeller

High Chrome Slurry pump impeller

High Chrome Slurry pump impeller

High Chrome Slurry pump impeller