High Chrome Slurry Pump Impeller

The impeller play an extremely important role in the operation of centrifugal slurry pump. By rotating, it can help slurry pump meet the needs of the equipment.
The slurry pump impeller is easy to be worn out, so we search for the special materials to prolong the lifespan of impeller, high chrome white iron is one of them, aims at handling the slurries with strong abrasion or sharp particles.
There are main three type of impeller, Open, Semi-open and Closed. So impeller selection to deal with different slurry with solid have different choices. Our engineer will offer you the best solution for slurry handling.
As a China-based slurry pump impeller manufacturer, we provide a broad range of impellers, including froth pump impeller, medium/light duty pump impeller, sump pump impeller sand pump impeller and FGD(flue gas desulfurization) pump impeller or customized impellers.
For now, we can produce our own pump impellers, and also can do some other slurry pump impellers size and material compactly.
2. Cr15Mo3 Marten-sic white iron(A33) with moderate erosion resistance.
3. A49 is suitable for low PH corrosion duties, where erosive wear is also a problem. The alloy is particularly suitable for Flue Gas Desulphu-rization(FGD) and other corrosive applications, where the pH is less than 4. The alloy can also be used in other mildly acidic environments. A49 has an erosion resistance similar to that of Ni-Hard 1.
Partial list of Impellers available for the contemporary and legacy OEM styles
Slurry pump impellers style
1.5 /1 2 /1.5 3 /2 4 /3
6 /4 8 / 6 10 / 8 12 / 10
14 / 12 16 / 14 18 / 16 20 / 18
Vertical slurry pump impellers style
40 65 100 150 200
Sand pump impellers style
6 /4 8 / 6 10 / 8 12 / 10
14 / 12 16 / 14 18 / 16 20 / 18
KSB pump impellers style
800-934 500-637

slurry pump parts stocks