Various faults will inevitably occur during the use of the vertical submersible slurry pump.
Overload power is a common problem when running the vertical submersible slurry pump.
Most of Over load problems are caused by improper operation.
We will list some operation problems you may have with its solution.
Reasons and solutions for excessive power of submersible slurry pump
1, The belt of the coupling driving device is too tight
Solution: adjust the belt
2, The packing gland is too tight, and the packing is hot
Solution: loose the packing gland bolt
3,The slurry pump bearing is damaged
Solution: Change the bearing
4, The slurry pump flow is too large
Solution: adjust the operating conditions of the pump
5, The speed is too high, specific gravity
Solution: adjust the speed
6,Friction between accessories of slurry pump
Solution: clean up friction between accessories
7,The motor shaft and pump shaft are not aligned or parallel.
Solution: Adjust the motor shaft and pump shaft
When using a submersible slurry pump, it is necessary to pay attention to using it in accordance with the correct operation.
Only good operation is not enough, it is also necessary to develop a good habit of regularly maintaining the equipment to improve work efficiency while reducing equipment failures rate.

Vertical submersible slurry pump working on site

Vertical submersible slurry pump working on site